I ran across a blog on Writer's Digest several days ago entitled How to Write While Managing a Full-Time Job: 5 Ways to Maximize your time. If you follow me on Twitter you might have seen me retweet it. Anyway, as I was reading this I kept thinking to myself "I DO THIS!" It is so very similar to what I have written in my previous blogs that either this guy is stalking me or he is a fellow genius. :-)
So, here are his 5 Ways to maximizing writing time (abbreviated) and how they relate to me (and my blog):
1) Never ever ever leave the house without a way to record your ideas. I can't find where I have specifically mentioned this in a previous blog but I carry my MacBook, iPad and iPhone with me everywhere I go (as well as a notebook and pencil). Yes, it's probably overkill but I have used them all for note taking purposes.
2) Take advantage of small moments. I talked about this in my blog post "What can you do in twenty minutes?" I often write in short spurts now. I feel like I get more done this way than trying to write for hours at a time.
3) If you can’t give it your best, then give it what you can. I talked about this in my blog post "Take the good with the bad." I'm sure that's not the only time I've mentioned this since it is a common occurrence. Good writing doesn't come all the time. Sometimes you're lucky to walk away with anything useful.
4) Train your mind to think like a writer. This one I mentioned very recently in the blog post "So you want to be a writer." Actually, this particular blog post mentions most of these points. Anyway, once you train yourself to think like a writer you start seeing plots in everything! This is very helpful for getting new story ideas.
5) Make writing a priority. I have talked about this many times, I believe, but my favorite was in the blog post "How bad do you want it?" I actually don't still get up that early to write (which I discussed in a more recent blog entry) because caring for an infant is exhausting and I just cannot get up that early anymore. Maybe one day...but for now, I do most of my writing at night.
All true. I can vouch for it.
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